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Explore transformative discussions from the world of Business Process Management, Operational Excellence, Continuous Improvement and Business Transformation with BPM RealTalk. Gain first-hand insights from global professionals as they share their Wins, Fails, and Game-Changing Strategies.

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Strategic Synergy Between Business and Technology for BPM Success

In the seventh episode of BPM RealTalk, our host Mark Khabe engages in a compelling discussion with Claire Grosjean, a leader in financial and operational management with extensive experience in continuous process improvement and implementing intelligent automation tools.

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About BPM RealTalk

BPM RealTalk, an exclusive, invitation-only platform, transcends theory to showcase authentic narratives from the BPM community. Our interviews feature seasoned professionals from diverse global industries to bring you exclusive insights and discussions from the front lines of BPM innovation. Get ready to be informed, inspired, and empowered by the real stories from the dynamic world of BPM.

Meet The Host

Mark Khabe

Co-Founder, PRIME BPM

Mark is a passionate Business Process Management and IT professional. He co-founded PRIME PMG – a Business Process Management consultancy firm and then followed with PRIME BPM – a cloud-based BPM SaaS solution. Over the last 15 years, Mark has been instrumental in strategising and implementing BPM solutions for organisations like GE, Rolls Royce, Sanofi, Suncorp, Vodafone, AMP, ATO, Pfizer, Coca Cola, etc. He has also helped many state and local government agencies, achieve Continuous Business Improvement.